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Quilt Show

Opportuity Quilt



This year the Opportunity quilt raffle has a slight twist.  We will have not just one quilt, but two quilts to choose from. The winner makes their choice of which one they want to take home!   


 Raffle tickets  to win are $1 each or 6 for $5 and will be available at the show.   Or click here to buy them now!





QGI members interested in selling tickets for the opportunity quilt can pick up a packet at the evening QGI meeting.  The drawing will be held at the November QGI meeting.


The fabric selection and construction of the Winter Snow quilt was made by Tommi Derado. Quilting was completed by Cathy Franks. Binding and the sleeve was completed by Laurie Gordon. 


The fabric selection and construction of the Kaleidoscope in the Sky quilt was made by Mary Strinka.  Quilting, binding and the sleeve was completed by Melissa Snyder.

You will not be disappointed when you see these lovely quilts. 

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